In my last blog “What is Shamanic Healing” I shared with you how shamans see the world and dis-ease and how they work to restore balance for the client to experience wellbeing. In this blog I want to answer a question that people frequently ask me: What conditions do shamans help with?
For a Shaman there is only one cause of dis-ease, and only one cure, although there are many healing methods. The cause of dis-ease is a separation from the sacredness of Nature, both as us and around us. And the cure is found in helping the client to return to Nature. Because dis-ease manifests in different forms - physical, mental, and emotional- shamans use different practices and tools to restore us to our nature and thus, bring balance. Here are the most frequent conditions shamans assist with:
Energetic imbalances: Can occur in our chakras; in our different bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc.); or be due to an over alignment with our feminine or masculine energies, The effects of imbalances manifest in a great range of symptoms too large to list. Shamans use tools such as drums, crystals, candles, feathers, and eggs, to determine the source and nature of your unease or lack of wellbeing. The same elements will be used for healing after the assessment has been made.
Power Loss: Power loss can occur through having our boundaries violated; sacrificing our own integrity to get certain needs met; internalizing limiting beliefs about ourselves; and anything that disconnects us from our true divine nature. This often shows up as a lack of vitality or zest for life. Other common symptoms of power loss include chronic illness, depression, fatigue, low self-esteem, poor boundaries, suicidal feelings, or ongoing misfortunes. Depending on the source of power loss, shamans create sacred ceremonies that help their clients release guilt and shame related to past decisions; cut cords to end energetic entanglements, and change agreements made as a result of traumatic events.
Soul Loss: Soul loss is the loss of our vital essence after a traumatic event; the person often feels that they are not the same as they were before the trauma. They may also experience memory loss, difficulty in staying present, numbness, chronic depression, weakened immune system, and chronic illness. To assist with this, the shaman conducts a soul retrieval ceremony where the shaman and client find the parts of your soul that were lost, given or taken away; fully restoring your vital essence.
Intrusion of negative energies: For years, a person may experience an intrusion of negative energies coming from others, the environment, or their own painful past experiences. This intrusion may manifest as physical pain, anger, fatigue, emotional stress, and other localized illnesses in the body. To help this client, a shaman will perform a shamanic extraction, equivalent to a “surgery”, which removes the harmful energies, yet does not invade the body as it works on the energetic fields.
I would be delighted to hear your comments and answer to any questions you may have. Please contact me at: https://www.loveintowholeness.com/contact
Stay tuned as next week I will explore myths about shamanic healing. The topic is: Is Shamanic Healing a Magic Cure?
With my deepest love and best wishes,
Elizabeth Alanis
Founder of Love Into Wholeness™
