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Shamanic healing is not something done onto you, like medication or surgery. You are an active participant at all times. It educates and empowers you to use your innate healing abilities, it also facilitates deep transformational clearing of blockages and reconnects you with your inner power transforming and empowering your vibrational resonance.

Shamanic healing is an ancient way of reverting dis-ease, which is based in the spiritual wisdom and guidance of both the visible and the invisible spirits of life. It addresses the spiritual aspect of physical, emotional and mental lack of wellbeing.

The shaman’s way of life is centered on her/his connection with Divine Feminine as Mother Earth, Divine Masculine as Father Spirit, and all creation. In shamanism, all of creation has a spirit and a soul, and it is sacred. In the invisible realms, the shaman - or shamanic practitioner - is in communion with the Great Sprit that we all are part of, and with the sacred spirits of ancestors, great teachers, avatar masters, angels, and many other spirits according to their particular cultural inheritance.

In the visible realm, the shaman is also deeply connected with the spirits of Nature, such as the elementals, the earth, plants, rocks, crystals, and others. This intimacy with Nature is cultivated at all times through observation, direct experience and ceremony to revere and celebrate Life.

All the visible and invisible spirits guide the shaman - and the client - on journeys to restore balance. A shaman understands that balance and alignment within and with all things, is what creates our reality. When unbalances or misalignment manifest as illness – physical, mental, emotional, and in relationships - or blockages preventing movement in the desired direction, the shaman mediates between the visible (physical) and the invisible (spiritual) worlds through ceremony, helping individuals and communities to clear energetic blocks, healing and restoring balance and alignment within (body, mind, spirit) and with all creation.

Just as with any other healing practice, a shaman begins by assessing the affliction and the nature of it. A shaman’s work is deeply intuitive as she/he listens to the afflicted person and the Sacred Guides to know what tools and practices will work best for a particular person. A shaman works in alignment with nature and therefore uses tools such as drums, crystals, candles, feathers, and eggs, to determine the source and nature of the client’s unease or lack of wellbeing.

Click here to contact me with comments or questions about this blog In next week’s blog we will dive deeper – looking at conditions that shamanic healing can help you with.

With great love and best wishes,

Elizabeth Alanis

En mi blog de mayo “Siendo Madres de Nosotras Mismas” destaqué la tendencia de la sociedad a aplaudir el exceso de trabajo, y el alto costo que pagamos cuando vivimos tratando de cumplir con las expectativas de nuestro trabajo y nuestras relaciones. Según una investigación reciente, la mayoría de las personas en los EE. UU trabajan un mínimo de 55 horas a la semana. Y debemos tener en cuenta que, la mayoría también sobrelleva un largo viaje de regreso a casa y después continúa trabajando en las responsabilidades del hogar y la familia.

Aquí hay algunas estadísticas interesantes sobre el impacto al someternos a las expectativas de los demás. Por ejemplo, investigaciones ha demostrado que trabajar más de 55 horas a la semana puede aumentar el riesgo de problemas cerebrovasculares, enfermedad coronaria y muerte prematura. El costo de la salud mental es aún mayor. Según un informe de 2020 del Instituto Nacional de Trastornos de Salud Mental, 1 de cada 4 estadounidenses tienen un trastorno de salud mental diagnosticado.

Por otra parte, las investigaciones han demostrado que las personas que se toman un tiempo de descanso viven más tiempo, son más felices y su trabajo es más productivo y de mayor calidad. A medida que los costos de la atención médica aumentan exponencialmente, comenzamos a ver un cambio hacia la salud preventiva.

De la necesidad de equilibrar la búsqueda del bienestar y la necesidad de trabajar, ha nacido una nueva tendencia llamada retiros sabáticos de restauración y bienestar. El uso moderno de la palabra "sabático" se utiliza para describir el tiempo fuera del entorno de trabajo tradicional que se utiliza para recargar y perseguir pasiones personales.

Inicialmente, la mayoría de los retiros sabáticos estaban reservados para la clientela de élite, pero ahora hay opciones que se ajustan a la mayoría de los presupuestos. Un retiro de restauración y bienestar sabático es idealmente una experiencia de 21 días en el entorno adecuado que te ayudará a concentrarte en cuidar de ti misma y encontrar el equilibrio por el tiempo suficiente para ayudarte a cambiar tus patrones.

Lo que ofrecen los retiros sabáticos es una combinación de algunos de los siguientes elementos que han demostrado ayudar a restaurar tu salud y equilibrio físico, mental y emocional:

  • Regreso a la naturaleza (los retiros se realizan en hermosos escenarios naturales)

  • Opciones de movimiento y ejercicio como yoga

  • Métodos de curación alternativos como la curación chamánica

  • Masajes corporales

  • Elementos que inducen un sueño saludable

  • Comida sana

  • Meditación

Mi buena amiga Vivienne O’Keeffe creó un retiro restaurativo autodirigido, llamado Tofino Hummingbird Cottage en el hermoso paisaje marino costero de Tofino, Canadá. Los terrenos de Tofino Hummingbird Cottage son ideales para meditar, escuchar el sonido de las olas, el susurro del viento a través de los cedros, y los sonidos de águilas, ballenas, y pájaros cantores.

Las energías curativas de Tofino Hummingbird Cottage se intensifican con los cristales de lapislázuli y el cuarzo ahumado, que se han incrustado en los cimientos y las paredes interiores que emiten energías calmantes, restaurativas y rejuvenecedoras. Las habitaciones fueron diseñadas con cortinas negras para apoyar el ritmo circadiano del cuerpo y brindar un sueño profundo y reparador. Uno de los dormitorios se convierte en una oficina de trabajo con excelente Wi-Fi.

Aunque Tofino Hummingbird Cottage no proporciona directamente terapias, Vivienne a talentosos proveedores de servicios de terapias tradicionales locales como masajes, yoga, meditación e hipnoterapia. La información de contacto de estos especialistas se proporciona a los huéspedes, por lo que los servicios están a solo una llamada de distancia.

Vivienne también ha procurado opciones de métodos de curación no convencionales para sus invitados. Yo proporciono sesiones de curación chamánica en línea y, si lo que estás buscando es una experiencia transformadora profunda, crearé una jornada de sanación chamánica individualizada virtual para que trabajemos juntos durante tres a siete días. Recomiendo una experiencia de siete días para que disfrutes al máximo.

Para obtener más información sobre Tofino Hummingbird Cottage sigue este enlace Y para precios y disponibilidad, el enlace es el siguiente

Con amor,

Elizabeth Alanis

Tofino Hummingbird Cottage, Tofino BC
Tofino Hummingbird Cottage Tofino, BC.

In my May blog “mothering ourselves” I stressed the tendency of society to applaud overworking and the high cost we pay when we live trying to meet the expectations of work and our relationships. According to recent research, most individuals in the USA work a minimum of 55 hours a week. And we need to consider that most also endure a long work commute before getting back home to continue working on household and family responsibilities.

Here are some interesting statistics regarding the impact of living up to others’ expectations in our lives. For instance, research has shown that working more than 55 hours a week can lead to increased risk of stroke, coronary heart disease and premature death. The mental health cost is even higher. According to a 2020 report from the National Institute of Mental Health Disorders, 1 in 4 Americans have a diagnosed mental health disorder.

Conversely, research has shown that people who take time off live longer, are happier and their work is more productive and of a higher quality. As health care costs increase exponentially, we are beginning to see a shift towards preventing ill-health.

Out of the need to balance the pursuit of wellness and the need to work, a new trend called wellness sabbatical retreats has been born. The modern use of the word “sabbatical” is used to describe time away from the traditional work environment that is used to recharge and pursue personal passions.

Initially, most sabbatical retreats were reserved for elite clientele, and now there are options to fit most budgets. A sabbatical wellness retreat is ideally a 21-day experience in the right environment that will help you to focus on nurturing yourself and finding balance for long enough to help you change your patterns.

What sabbatical retreats offer is a combination of some of the elements below, which have been proven to help restore your physical, mental and emotional balance and health:

  • Returning to nature (retreats are most often conducted in beautiful natural settings)

  • Movement and exercise options such as yoga

  • Alternative healing methods such as Shamanic Healing

  • Body massages

  • Settings that induce healthy sleep

  • Healthy food

  • Meditation

My good friend Vivienne O’Keeffe created a self-directed wellness retreat, called Tofino Hummingbird Cottage, in the beautiful coastal marine landscape of Tofino, Canada. Tofino Hummingbird Cottage’s grounds are ideal for meditation, listening to the sound of the surf, the whisper of wind through the cedars and the sounds of eagles, ospreys, and songbirds.

The healing energies of Tofino Hummingbird Cottage are intensified by lapis lazuli and smoky quartz, which have been embedded into the foundation and interior walls, as they give off soothing, calming and rejuvenating energies. The bedrooms were designed with black-out draperies to support the body’s circadian rhythm in providing deep and restorative sleep. One of the bedrooms turns into a working office with excellent Wi-Fi.

Although Tofino Hummingbird Cottage does not directly provide wellness therapies, Vivienne sourced local talented service providers of traditional therapies such as massage therapy, yoga, meditation and hypnotherapy. These specialists’ contact information is provided to guests, so that services are just a phone call away.

Vivienne also procures nonconventional healing methods options for her guests. I provide online healing shamanic sessions and, if what you are looking for is a deep transformative experience, I will create a virtual individualized shamanic healing journey for us to work on together over three to seven days. I highly recommend a seven-day experience for you to have the full benefit.

For more information about Tofino Hummingbird Cottage and for pricing and availability

With my deepest love,

Elizabeth Alanis

Hummingbird Cottage, Tofino, BC
Tofino Hummingbird Cottage, Tofino, BC.

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